Largest JSP Doctoral Hooding Ever!
Seven JSP students were hooded in recognition of the completion of their doctoral degrees during the May 12, 2007, Boalt Hall commencement exercises at the Greek Theater.
Susan M. Dennehy / hooding by Kristin Luker
Shifting Family Boundaries: State Courts, Functional Parents, and the Expansion of Parental Status
This dissertation examines how state courts define legal parenthood and assign parental rights in a social landscape with a wide variety and large number of non-traditional families. Courts have extended parental rights to some individuals who function as parents in some circumstances, such a grandparents who are primary caretakers or the cohabiting partner of a biological parent. At the same time, courts have not established a new framework in which diverse families are widely accepted. On the contrary, courts have construed their decisions to fit within a traditional values paradigm.
Future plans: Susan is currently in student affairs in the department of French and Comparative Literature, here at UC Berkeley.
Alexandra Huneeus / hooding by Robert Kagan
The Dynamics of Judicial Stasis: Judges, Pinochet-Era Claims, and the Question of Judicial Legitimacy in
How does a judiciary once complicit with an authoritarian government come to embrace human rights norms?
Future plans: Alexandra is currently a post-doc at Stanford, and in the fall will begin teaching at the
Chrysanthi Settlage Leon / hooding by Frank Zimring
Compulsion and Control -- Sex Crime and Criminal Justice Policy in
Until about 1980,
Future plans: Santhi will be Assistant Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice at the
International Arbitration and Mediation in
*The dissertation examines the dual impact of globalization and cultural diversity on the practice of international arbitration in
Future plans: After graduation: Shahla plans to both teach and practice in the field of
international dispute resolution in
Dorit Rubinstein / hooding by Malcolm Feeley
Regulatory Accountability: Telecommunications and Electricity Agencies in the
This dissertation examines the response of administration agencies to multiple and conflicting accountability pressures in the context of the agencies regulating the liberalized electricity and telecommunications sectors in the
Future plans: Dorit will be taking a tenure track position in UC Hastings College of Law.
Shalini Satkunanandan / hooding by Jonathan Simon
Encountering the Ground of Obligation: Plato and Kant on the Turn
This dissertation studies Plato's and Kant's accounts of conversion in order to illuminate the character of obligation. Plato's and Kant's accounts of conversion challenge the contractual explanation of obligation that prevails in political, legal, and moral theory.
Future plans: Shalini will be Harper Fellow in the Society of Fellows at the
Joshua Wilson / hooding by Robert Kagan
Rights, Process, & Political Passions: A Study of Three Anti-Abortion Protest Regulation Cases
The dissertation examines three case studies involving anti-abortion protests and speech rights in order to study how legal ideals, procedures, and actors affect individual political passions. The project shows how law can occasionally facilitate, but more often undermines the ability to constrain or structure political passions.
Future plans: Josh will be an Assistant Professor in the Government Department at CUNY John Jay.